The beach has always been a place of healing for me. The salty air helps me breathe when my lungs feel yucky. The rhythm of the sea surging in, erasing the sand, and washing back out again, over and over. I enjoy the beach in the summer because I can swim. But there’s just something special about the beach in winter.

The vast openness. The feeling that you can look out and see forever. The illusion that you’re alone in the world. I think these are some of the things that made me fall in love with Iceland. Bundled up, basking in the warm sun as the cold air and water roll and churn around me, I feel my mind can find some peace.

I encourage you to visit places in the off season. Fewer people, cheaper or free parking, less stress, and more time to enjoy and truly see a place, especially if it is outdoors. I hope you can find some peace and serenity today and recharge your spirit.