New Iceland video

It is another frozen, gray February day here in New England. But, it’s a great time to get cozy with a cup of tea and watch the next installment of our relaxing driving videos. This latest video is our drive from Reykjavik to þingvellir in the Golden Circle.

My husband, Kevin, has been putting together these videos in the evening and weekends. He’s learned a lot, and this segment has way better video quality than the first couple. He plans to go back and redo those first few after the project is complete. I love slow videos with chill music. A bonus is these driving videos give you a real look at what driving in Iceland is like if you’re planning on renting a car and self-driving around the island.

The road out of Reykjavik

We’ve had fun watching the raw footage at home because the camera also recorded sound. We’ve been married for 21 years, and we spent about 22 hours in the car together during that trip. Some of the conversations and things we said to each other fluctuate between hilarious to down right rude sounding. But that’s the language of our relationship I suppose. Lucky for you viewers, you get to hear a few choice clips we found particularly funny. Stay cold, car!

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