Another new video!

We’ve uploaded the second video in our Iceland series, and this one is pretty hilarious. We flew out of Boston at 7:15pm, and we arrived in Iceland at 4:45am. We got a nice burst of adrenaline early on, but that chemical jolt (and the coffee) started to fade as the day went on…and on…and on. I was so excited to be in Iceland, but the idea of a shower and a bed took up more and more space in my brain as time passed ever so slowly. In this video you, too, can enjoy watching our adventures as we attempt difficult maneuvers such as parking.

On a serious note, be careful of how much you plan on the day you arrive, especially if you’re driving. We purposefully did not go too far because I knew we’d be sleepy. We took a few short naps in the car while awaiting that check in time. They took pity on us and let us have a room at 2:30 when we went in pleading for a bed. Be safe, take time to rest, and enjoy the slow tv style driving video!