Stopover Istanbul!

I always love a good deal, and I wanted to share this tip in case you don’t know. If you are flying on Turkish Airlines, you may be eligible for a free stay or tour in Istanbul! We will be flying from the United States to Bulgaria later this year, and in researching flights, I discovered that they offer two choices to see Istanbul for free.

First, we could choose the Tour Istanbul option where they set you up with a free tour of all the major sites in Istanbul. For my flight, we could have chosen a shopping tour or a history tour, but the layover times just didn’t work for us. So we chose the Stopover Istanbul option. My husband and I will get a 24 hour layover (you can get two days if you fly Business class) with a free night at a hotel in Istanbul.

When you purchase your tickets, if you’re flying from an eligible country, you will get the option to choose the tour or the stopover. Once you complete your purchase, you can fill out the request with your reservation number, choose your tour or one of several hotels, and book a free stay in Istanbul. Pretty exciting, right? Now I am off to decide what we will see during our whirlwind night in Istanbul, Turkey!